man in hospital bed speaking with the doctor who is at his bedsidePatient Story

Michael’s Story – Aortic Stenosis

“There are too many other things to do than worrying about having heart problems,” says 86-year-old Michael Tully from Rutherford.

This past year, when Michael went for his check-up with his interventional cardiologist, Dr. Joseph De Gregorio, he learned he had tightening of his aortic valve.

“If I didn’t do anything about the it, I might eventually have issues with my heart. So, I figured it was better to be proactive now. I wasn’t going to have this done when I was 100 years old,” Michael says.

Michael trusted Dr. De Gregorio. “Back in my day, there used to be an expression: when you’re comfortable with someone they feel like an old shoe. I felt very comfortable with Dr. De Gregorio.”

Dr. De Gregorio recommended a TAVR, which stands for transcatheter aortic valve replacement. TAVR is a minimally invasive option to aortic stenosis.

“The procedure went perfectly,” says Michael. “I had no issues and was able to go home the next day.”

“I’ve had so many family members who have had heart problems. I’m just relieved that we addressed this issue before it came to that. Now I wake up in the morning and I’m not always worrying. It sets the tone for the whole day,” says Michael, adding: “I can go another 20,000 miles.”