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Five Healthy New Years Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Change doesn’t happen all at once. All too often, New Year’s resolutions fail to account for this fact.  

Each year, lofty goals like “lose weight and keep it off” or “eat a totally clean diet” go unfulfilled. In fact, according to a study out of the University of Scranton, less than a quarter of people actually stick to their New Year’s resolutions.

If you find you begin each year by setting unrealistic goals that you never follow through on, consider swapping them for one of these incremental changes, that will nonetheless offer a huge benefit to your health:

Sit less, move more 
Instead of making grand promises to hit the gym every day of the week, commit to just moving more. This could be as simple as stretching in the mornings, going for an afternoon walk, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or picking up an activity like dancing or biking.

Incorporate healthy foods, drink more wate
This year, trade restrictive, crash diets for a commitment to incorporate healthy foods into your meals. Work fruits, vegetables, legumes, and leafy greens into your diet and increase your water intake (adults are recommended to drink six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily but your mileage may vary).

Begin a sleep schedule 
Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule can improve the quality of your sleep, help you feel more rested throughout the day, and benefit your overall health.  

Most adults should aim for 7-9 hours of sleep. Limit daytime naps, screen time before bed, and drinking alcohol, as these activities can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

Try to quit smoking 
Quitting smoking isn’t easy. What you can commit to this year is that you’ll try. For additional support, enroll in a smoking cessation program, where you’ll learn new strategies to curb cravings and be assisted through the process by professionals who’ve helped other smokers quit for good.  

Get care when you need it 
One of the best things you can do for your health is make an appointment with your primary care physician and any specialists you need to see.  

Schedule those health screenings you might be overdue for and familiarize yourself with your local urgent care center, as sudden illnesses and injuries rarely respect the 9-to-5 hours of a typical doctor’s office.  

Englewood Health has urgent care centers in Englewood, Cresskill, Fair Lawn, and Jersey City that are open seven days a week, with extended weekday and weekend hours, and accept walk-in appointments.

This year, be prepared to get care when and where you need it. To learn more about Englewood Health Urgent Care, visit: